Spring Is Upon Us, Now Is The Perfect Time To Get Your Carpets Cleaned

Doesn’t it feel like winter has just dragged on for eternity? It seems like forever since we last had some gorgeous weather which we could smile about. But, it seems like the tide is finally turning, in a British weather kind of way. Recently, we were blessed with the first piece of tidy weather this year; the sun’s rays were beaming down from the sky and it was noticeable how the temperatures were rising.

It’s fair to say that spring is definitely making an entrance and is ready to pull us from the depths of winter into the happy summer months. Now, the influx of snow that we’ve had to deal with has caused a multitude of problems, both for your carpet and our service.

In terms of your carpet, you would no doubt have had people trapesing wet, mucky, snowy shoes across it and leaving visible marks. In terms of our service, the awful road conditions have meant we haven’t been able to drive the van anywhere, so we’ve had to either cancel or decline jobs. Not ideal, eh?

But, the return of spring is an indication to get the ball rolling again. The time is here to get ready for the longer, brighter, and hopefully sunnier days where more people are likely to visit your home. By giving your carpet a spring clean, you’ll ensure that people walk into your home and think ‘WOW!’

Although, there’s plenty more reasons why you should get your carpet cleaned by our professional service, and here are some of them:

Eradicate Dust Mites and Allergens

Carpet fibres are like a storage facility for dust mites, pollen and pet dander if they’re not maintained properly. As you foot traffic passes over the carpet every day, those dust mites and allergens will constantly be released into the air. It’s like a constant cycle – they become trapped in the carpet, they get released into the air and they can then have negative effects on your health. A simple spring clean will get rid of all the nasties taking refuge in your carpet.

Improve the Air Quality in Your Home

The last one leads us on to this point – by removing all of the dust mites, pollen and pet dander from your carpet fibres, you’re subsequently improving the air flow around your house. Even though dust mites and allergens aren’t visible to the naked eye, just imagine how fresh your home would feel without all of those flying around. Clean air will make you feel a hell of a lot better.

The Drying Process is Fast

With the combination of our extensive knowledge, superb expertise and brilliant equipment, we can have your carpets in pristine condition in no time at all. But, once we’ve finished with the spring clean, we’ll also ensure that they don’t take ages to dry. There’s nothing worse than cleaning your carpet and having it drenched for hours on end. So, let us use our specialist skills to have it cleaned and dried extremely quickly.

Stop any Potential Mould Growth

A huge advantage of having a professional clean which dries quickly is that it will extract the majority of the moisture from the carpet. That will prevent mould from forming in two different ways. The first, is that there won’t be a damp breeding ground for mould to grow on. The second, is that mould has no actual way of growing on synthetic fibres, and those fibres are only achieved when a carpet is completely clean and dry.

Eliminate Bacteria and Dirt

It’s very easy for bacteria and dirt to hide deep in the carpet, which makes them difficult to remove with just a standard, everyday clean. With a specialist service, state-of-the-art equipment will be used to delve right down into the layer where they’re hiding, so that the bacteria and dirt can be destroyed.

If people thought the vibrant spring flowers outside were impressive, wait till they see your stunning carpet once it’s been cleaned… the restoration of colour and reinstatement of texture will have it looking brand-new again!

Why not contact us today to get your free quote so we can get your carpets and sofas beautifully clean and dry? You won’t be disappointed!