All of us take great pride in the appearance of our house, and people go all out to ensure the décor matches their style. A home needs to feel homely, and that’s the ultimate goal when designing, decorating and furnishing. But, another thing that adds to the homely feel is a cute little pet that you can pour your love into.
You see, pets quickly immerse themselves into a family, but do they combine well with your home? As a proud pet owner, you probably appreciate the difficulty in keeping your house clean. They tend to have unfortunate accidents in the worst possible places, specifically your flooring.
Some people opt for wooden flooring, but for those that choose carpet, it can cause a real headache. Alongside dirty pawprints and loose hair, your pet may urinate, and you may not notice the accident until the characteristic smell hits home when you walk through the door. Even then, the stain may not be too visible, and the problem may have seeped down through the carpet.
As soon as there’s a realisation that there’s pet urine on the carpet, most people have a knee-jerk reaction whereby they grab a random cleaning solution from the cupboard. They then start scrubbing and scrubbing, desperately trying to eradicate the mess.
But, cleaning solutions differ from one to another, and you never really know what they consist of. Now, if you’ve got a cheap, generic cleaning solution, it’s probably saturated with nasty chemicals that will only aggravate the problem. If it does manage to do the trick, then it will only remove the surface layer and won’t treat the underneath of the carpet.
Let’s Explore What This Does to Your Carpet…
When your pet urinates on your carpet, the affected area may appear quite small, which deceives you into thinking it’s a minor problem. But, what you don’t realise, is that the urine sinks down and is absorbed by the carpet backing. That means it also affects the carpet backing, underlay and subfloor.

As you can see on the picture, the problem is much large underneath than it is on the surface. To be honest, the majority of cases involve polypropylene carpets. You know, the ones that you can ‘bleach’. This material doesn’t absorb any liquid, which means any spillages or accidents go straight through. Despite being treatable, the problem will remain underneath.
Of course, wool and nylon carpet owners aren’t immune from their pets urinating on the carpet. However, when it comes to wool and nylon, they’re much more absorbent and the urine may be contained to the carpet fibers. With that being said, it’s of paramount importance that you treat the issue immediately.
The colour of the carpet is made up of dyes, and the chemical changes in the urine can have an adverse reaction with them. So, the colour of the affected area can change and be mistaken for actual urine. Luckily, this can be prevented if you act fast.
Your Action Plan…
The first thing you can do is search around on the internet for some serious advice. But, what you’ll most likely find is a bunch of temporary ‘solutions’ from so-called experts. Some may be successful, but they probably won’t address the deeper issue. If you want to go the DIY route, then the best course of action for you is to —
Act Fast
Blot the area repeatedly with a kitchen towel or absorbent paper
Ensure that all of the liquid is soaked up
At this point it’s decision time! You may need to think about calling in a specialist service to deal with any contamination and the underneath of the carpet
A specialist will be able to sanitise the whole area, completely eliminate the odour and have the carpet looking brand new again. Here at Complete Clean, we’ll rapidly identify the problem and utilise specialist tools to thoroughly treat the affected area.
Get in touch right away if your beloved pet has had an unfortunate accident. Dealing with the issue sooner, rather than later will save you a lot of money!